I am a historian of United States and I specialize in the history of law. I have a joint appointment in the Department of History and the School of Law. My research focuses on the relationship between law and social change, particularly the intersection of law and the family. I am currently working on a study of child protection in the United States that will assess issues such as child labor, juvenile justice, school reform, disabilities, and child abuse from the 1870s to the present. I recently co-edited Re-Inventing Childhood in the Post World War II World (2011). I have also been involved in several family policy research projects such as an initiative to create guidelines for genetic testing in child custody cases and friend of the court briefs in same-sex marriage cases. I teach courses in American legal and social history. I also edited the American Historical Review from 1995 to 2005.

Michael Grossberg
Professor Emeritus
Department of History